Friday, July 11, 2014

Parallel Execution in FPGA

Higher-performance, resource-hungry, MAC-intensive DSP algorithms may benefit from implementation within FPGA components. FPGA architectural enhancements, development tool flow advances, speed increases and cost reductions are making implementation within FPGAs increasingly attractive. FPGA technology advances include increased clock speeds, specialized DSP blocks, tool enhancements and an increasing range of intellectual property solutions. Figure above illustrates an example parallel implementation of an FIR filter within an FPGA.

The MAC operational group may be implemented in one of several different configurations within an FPGA. Three popular implementation options for the MAC operational group within an FPGA are listed below.
  • Both the multiplier and the accumulator may be implemented within the logic fabric of the FPGA taking advantage of FPGA structures, such as dedicated high-speed carry chains.
  • The multiplier may be implemented in an optimized multiplier block, avoiding use of FPGA fabric logic with the accumulator implemented within the logic fabric of the FPGA.
  • Both the multiplier and accumulator may be implemented within an advanced multiplier block requiring the use of no FPGA logic.
Figure below illustrates the three different MAC implementation options. Each of these approaches will be heavily dependent on the architecture of the FPGA fabric, the algorithms being implemented, the performance required and the amount of functionality being implemented on the FPGA component. For example, older device families may not support the integrated accumulator function within the DSP block. In this situation, the DSP block is actually just a multiplier. Likewise, if all the DSP blocks have been used for higher-performance algorithms, it may be possible to implement implement an algorithm with no DSP blocks within the FPGA logic fabric. FPGA DSP blocks are generally implemented in either a column or row structure within the FPGA fabric.

To be continued

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