As explained in the previous discussion, defuzzification is a process to convert linguistic values (Fuzzy values) into numerical values (real values). There are some methods of defuzzification technique:
2. Centroid Defuzzification Method (Center of Maximum Method)
3. Weighted Average Defuzzification Method
2. Centroid Defuzzification Method (Center of Maximum Method)
- x* is the defuzzified output,
- µi(x) is the aggregated membership function and
- x is the output variable.
- mi is the membership of the output of each rule, and
- wi is the weight associated with each rule.
As discussed in previous discussion, Fuzzy Inference results of the system are;
- #18:IF Angle = zero (0.2) AND Distance = medium (0.9) THEN Power = zero (0.2)
- #19:IF Angle = pos_small (0.8) AND Distance = medium (0.9) THEN Power = pos_med (0.8)
- #23:IF Angle= zero (0.2) AND Distance = far (0.1) THEN Power = pos_med (0.1)
- #24:IFAngle= pos_small (0.8) AND Distance = far (0.1) THEN Power= pos_med (0.1)
zero with the degree 0.2
pos_med with the degree 0.8
and 0.1
Since pos_med has 2 values, select the maximum of the values i.e. 0.8 (MIN-MAX theory).
Finally, result for the Linguistic Variable “Power” are:
zero with the degree 0.2
pos_med with the degree 0.8