Showing posts with label Viterbi Algorithm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viterbi Algorithm. Show all posts

Monday, December 2, 2013

Verilog Coding for 1/2 Code Rate Encoder

Verilog Viterbi encoder image
Designing encoder in a receiver must be done before designing Viterbi decoder inside a transmitter since output of the encoder will become input of the Viterbi decoder. 

A polynomial description of a convolutional encoder describes the connections among shift registers and modulo-2 adders.  The figure beside depicts a convolutional encoder that has one input, two outputs, and two shift registers. The convolutional encoder produces two bits encoded information for each bit of input information, so it is called as a rate 1/2 encoder.

Equations of the 1/2 encoder are as follow:
        Y[0] = X[n] XOR X[n-1]
        Y[1] = X[n] XOR X[n-1] XOR X[n-2]

The following are Verilog coding for 1/2 code rate encoder that comprises two D Flip-Flops and XOR gates. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Viterbi Algorithm Concept

According to the state diagram shown in this link finite state machine, a trellis diagram looks like in the following figure can be built. Each node corresponds to a district state at a given time, and each branch represents a transition to some new states at the next instant of time. The trellis begins and ends at the known state x0 and xk. Its most important property is that to every possible state sequence x there corresponds to a unique path through the trellis, and vice versa.

Viterbi Algorithm

Given a sequence of observations z, every path may be assigned a length proportional to | -ln P(x, z)|, where x is the state sequence associated with that path. This is used to solve the problem of finding the state sequence for which P(x | z) is maximum, or equivalently for which P(x, z) = P(x | z) P(z) is maximum, by finding the path whose length |-ln P(x, z)| is minimum, since ln P(x, z) is a monotonic function of P(x, z) and there is a one-to-one correspondence between paths and sequences (Forney 1973). P(x, z) factor is given as:

Hence, assume if each branch (transition) the length:

Then the total length of the path corresponding to some x is as claimed.
VAis a segment consists of the states to time k of the state sequence x ≈ (x0, x1, ..., xk) and corresponds to a path segment in the trellis starting at the node x0 and terminating at xk.
For any particular time-k at node xk, there will in general be several such path segments, each with some lengths. 
The shortest such path segment is called the survivor corresponding to the node xk, and denoted Viterbi Algorithm

For any time k > 0, there are M survivors in all, one for each xk

Viterbi Algorithm
The observation is: the shortest completes path must begin with one of the survivors 
Thus at any time-k, we need to remember only M survivor and their lengths 

To get to time k+1, we need only to extend all time-k survivors by one time unit, compute the lengths of the extended path segments, and for each node xk+1 select the shortest extended path segment terminating in xk+1 as the corresponding time-(xk+1) survivor. Recursion proceeds indefinitely without the number of survivors ever exceeding M

  • Forney, G. D. 1973. The Viterbi algorithm. Proceeding of the IEEE 61: 268-278.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Viterbi Decoding Algorithm

Viterbi Algorithm
The Viterbi algorithm (VA) is a coding method for mitigating the effect of noise at the receiver. The VA reduces the computational load and complexity by early rejecting the unlikely paths in the coding trellis. The Viterbi decoding algorithm was introduced and analyzed by Andrew J. Viterbi in 1967. Since then, other researchers have expanded on his work by finding good convolutional codes, exploring the performance limits of the technique, and varying decoder design parameters to optimize the implementation of the technique in hardware and software.

The VA is a popular method used to decode convolutionally coded messages. This algorithm tracks down the most likely state sequences of the encoder went through in decoding the message, and uses this information to determine the original message. Instead of estimating a message based on each individual sample in the signal, the convolutional encoding and Viterbi decoding process packages and encodes a message as sequence, providing a level of correlation between each sample in the signal (Davis et al. 2002).

The VA fits nicely into the streaming paradigm. For a 1/2 rate VD, a stream of two-bit digital elements is input into the VD, and a stream of one-bit element is returned. The decoding process involves two major steps: metric update and traceback. These two steps can be thought of as kernels. An illustration on how these two kernels might interconnect with input and output streams is shown in the following figure (the figure under contruction).