Thursday, December 5, 2013

Traffic Signal Controller Using Verilog

fpga traffic controller verilog imageIn this session, we will design and discuss a traffic light controller using Verilog and finite state machine approach. Consider a controller for traffic at the intersection of a main street and a side street as shown in the figure beside.

To understand and get the same perception, consider the following specifications:
  • The traffic signal for the main street gets highest priority because car are continuously present on the main street. Thus, the main street signal remains green by default.
  • Occasionally, cars from the side street arrive at the traffic signal. The traffic signal for the side street must turn green only long enough to let the cars on the side street go.
  • As soon as there are no cars on the side street, the side street traffic signal turns yellow and then red and the traffic signal on the main street turns green again.
  • There is a sensor to detect cars waiting on the side street. The sensor sends a signal X as input to the controller. X = 1 if there are cars on the side street; otherwise, X = 0.
  • There are delays on transitions from S1 to S2, from S2 to S3, and from S4 to S0. The delays must be controllable.

Verilog Description

The traffic controller module can be designed with behavioral Verilog constructs as follow:

// Traffic Signal Controller
`define TRUE 1'b1';
`define FALSE 1'b0';

`define Y2R_DELAY 3    // Yellow to red delay
`define R2G_DELAY 2    // Red to green delay

module sig_control(main_s, side_s, X, clock, clear);

// I/O ports
output [1:0] main_s, side_s; //2-bit output for 3 signal states (green, yellow, red)
reg [1:0] main_s, side_s;  // declared output signals are registers
intput X;    // if TRUE, indicates there is car on the side street, otherwise FALSE
input clock, clear;  
parameter RED = 2'd0, YELLOW = 2'd1, GREEN = 2'd2;  

// State definition        MAIN_S           SIDE_S
parameter S0 = 3'd0,     //GREEN             RED
       S1 = 3'd1,     //YELLOW            RED
          S2 = 3'd2,     //RED               RED
          S3 = 3'd3,     //RED               GREEN
          S4 = 3'd4,     //RED               YELLOW

// Internal state variable         
reg [2:0] state;
reg [2:0] next_state;

// State changes only at positive edge of clock 
        always@(posedge clock) 
        if (clear)
        state <= S0;          //Controller starts in S0 state
        state <= next_state;   //State change

 // Compute values of main signal and side signal
        main_s = GREEN; //Default Light Assignment for Main_s light
    side_s = RED;   //Default Light Assignment for Side_s light
            S0 =  ;   //No change, used default
      S1: main_s = YELLOW;
      S2: main_s = RED;
      S3: begin 
                main_s = RED
                      side_s = GREEN;
      S4: begin 
                main_s = RED
                      side_s = `YELLOW;

// State machine using case statements
  always@(state or X)
            S0: if(X)
            next_state = S1;  
                        next_state = S0;
      S1: begin     //delay some positive edges of clock
                repeat (`Y2R_DELAY)@(posedge clock)
                      next_state = S2;
      S2: begin     //delay some positive edges of clock
                repeat (`R2G_DELAY)@(posedge clock)
                      next_state = S3;
      S3: if(X)
            next_state = S3;  
                        next_state = S4;
      S4: begin   //delay some positive edges of clock
                repeat (`Y2R_DELAY)@(posedge clock)
                      next_state = S0;
 default next_state = S0;

Stimulus can be applied to check if the traffic signal transitions correctly when cars arrive on the side street. The stimulus below instantiates the traffic signal controller and checks all possible states of the controller.

  • Verilog HDL, A guide to Digital Design and Synthesis, 2nd edtion, Samir Palnitkar, SunSoft Press - A Prentice Hall Title.

1 comment:

  1. Very true....
    When traffic lights display mixed signals, the results can be costly.

    We regularly depend on just three colors for the safe navigation of the world’s freeways, highways and suburban thoroughfares. Red, yellow and green. It couldn't be any simpler. And yet, the reality is that the underlying technology and programming behind the display of these three colors is far from simple.
